Over spring break we headed down to the Keys for 10 days of family fun. While we were there we camped for 3 nights at Dry Tortugas National Park and also visited Biscayne National Park and Everglades National Park.
Destination: Biscayne National Park
Date of Visit: March 2018
Kids: Cole (age 11) & Kiley (age 8)
Length of Stay: 1 Half Day

The vast majority of Biscayne National Park is underwater making it a great park for water sports. They offer kayak rentals and you can paddle throughout the mangroves or bring your fishing pole and try to catch your dinner.

Biscayne National Park has lots of shaded picnic tables making it a great park to pack a lunch and eat out by the water. We stopped a the Publix in Homestead and grabbed subs before heading into the park.

One of the other cool things about Biscayne is that it’s just a few miles off the shores of Miami and on a clear day you can actually see the downtown skyline.

While you’re at Biscayne National Park be sure to take a walk on the short trail that goes out over the water. It had just reopened from hurricane damage when we were there and it’s a great way to wander through the trees and lets the kids burn off some steam.
While you’re at Biscayne National Park, plan to visit the visitor center. It’s small, but packed with lots of interactive displays that the kids will love.

Of course the kids completed their Junior Ranger badges while we were there. The book for Everglades National Park, Biscayne National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve are all combined into 1 booklet. If you visit all 3 parks then you earn an additional patch. We didn’t have time to make it to Big Cypress, but we did mail off our booklet and will hopefully receive our badges in the mail soon.

We loved our time at Biscayne National Park. Although we didn’t have time to rent kayaks this visit, I’m sure we’ll be back again and that’s definitely on our list.

When you’re done at Biscayne National Park, be sure to stop by Robert is Here for the best milkshakes you’ll ever taste. They’re made with fresh fruit and they are amazing!

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