Girl Scouts | Kid Crafts

Melted Snowman Girl Scout SWAPS

April 11, 2017

It’s our first year in Girl Scouts and we’re preparing for our first camporee. The theme is Snow so we wanted to make SWAPS that reflected that. For those who don’t know, SWAPS stands for Small Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere.

Materials Needed: hot glue gun, wax paper, google eyes, small black pom poms, orange felt cut in triangles, red yarn, toothpicks, small safety pins

Cut a piece of wax paper and squirt some glue on it. Then drop 2 eyes, 1 orange triangle, 3 pom poms, and a piece of yarn onto the hot glue. Place a safety pin on the edge of the glue. Use a toothpick to flip over your eyes if they end up upside down. The glue will be HOT! If you’re working with younger kids, be sure to not let them touch it.

Once your glue us dry, peel it back from the wax paper. The wax paper is going to stick, but it will peel away from the edges and you won’t be able to see that it’s there.

The last step is to add a little saying and your troop number. Ours said “Your friendship is worth melting for!”

Here are the other Snow themed SWAPS that our troop made for the camporee. I’ll be sharing instructions for all of them over the next few weeks.

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