Girl Scouts | Kid Crafts

Icee Girl Scout SWAPS

March 31, 2017

This year my daughter became a Girl Scout and it’s been full of fun and adventure. We’re preparing for our first campout and one of the things the girls take with them are SWAPS. SWAPS stands for Special Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere. They are typically small trinkets that the girls trade. Our theme for our campout is Snow, so I wanted to make something that reflected that.

Materials Needed: small communion cups, pom poms (you can use several small ones or 1 big one in each cup), small safety pins, a hot glue gun, stir sticks or small straws
Start by cutting down the size of the stir sticks and put a small safety pin through them. Our Daisy Troop is all 6 and 7 year old so I did this step ahead of time.
Put a squirt of glue from the glue gun in the bottom of your cup. Add the straw with safety pin and 1 small pom pom. When we did this with our troop, I had the girls place the straws and the pom pom.
Add another squirt of hot glue and place your second pom pom on top. I opted for hot glue on this project instead of something else because I wanted them to dry quickly. If you were working with older Girl Scouts or if you had a place to let the cups sit over night, you could use plain Elmer’s glue.
As you can see on the right, you can also just use 1 big pom pom. This is a nice option for little kids. Your last step would be to add a little saying and your troop number. Ours said “ICEE we’re going to be great friends!”
Here are the other Snow themed SWAPS our troop made for the camporee. I’ll be sharing instructions for all of them over the next few weeks.
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