
Pow Wow…

Right before Thanksgiving Cole’s school had a pow wow. They made vests, beaded necklaces, head dresses, and drums. They did Indian dances and songs. It was an incredible performance and it makes me so thankful for everyone who works with the kids at his school.

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Halloween at School…

I usually don’t post pictures from school because I’m not cool with putting other people’s kids on the internet without their permission. But… since you can’t really see any faces on this one I thought it would be ok. I love, love, love these two pictures. I mean, LOVE them.

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First Day of School…

Cole started in the 4 year old pre-k class this year at Wilma’s Little People’s School on the JU campus.  He goes 3 mornings a week and he loves it.  Look at what a difference between this year and his first day of school in the 2 year old class.

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Last Day of School…

Cole’s school is over for the year. I can’t even believe that next year he’ll be in the 4 year old class. His teacher this year was Mrs. Hollenbeck, and she was great. He had another wonderful year at Wilma’s Little People’s School. Interestingly enough, I realized that Cole wore the exact same shirt on […]

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Easter at School…

These pictures are from Cole’s Easter party/program/egg hunt at school. The kids sang songs and of course it was adorable. I can’t post the video because there are lots of other kids in it. But here are some pictures from the egg hunt.

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