
What’s Up…

In addition to the usual Christmas shenanigans, we’ve had some other fun projects going on around here. I made some awesome book slings for the office. And for Thanksgiving Cole and I made kick-ass turkey cupcakes. They were delicious.

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Look at who’s back. If you don’t recall the story from last year you can see those pictures of the baby birds and what happened to them. I’m beginning to think these birds aren’t super smart building their nest in the same spot as they did last year.

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Bye, Bye Birdy…

So, no sooner had I put the pictures of the baby birds up on our site and Jon noticed a snake sliding down the side of the storage bin. You can see from the picture that there is a rather large bump in the middle of the snake and I’m sure you can figure out […]

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Baby Birds…

About a month ago we noticed a bird making a nest in one of our storage shelves right outside our back door on the deck. Then a few weeks ago we noticed there were some eggs in there. Now we hear the peeping of baby birds all day long. It appears there are 4 of […]

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Yeah, I know. I owe you guys Halloween pictures and Buddy Walk pictures and whatever else. I’m working on it. We’ve been busy with Halloween, Double Coupons at Kmart and the Election.

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