Cole | Kiley

Winter Soccer

The kids are playing winter soccer this year and although most have the games have been very, very cold we had a make up game on Sunday afternoon this week and it was nice and warm.  Warm enough for me to actually bring the good camera and take a few pictures. Will and Cole practice […]

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First Grade

Cole started First Grade today.  He was so excited to go in and meet some new friends.  I can’t wait to pick him up and see how it went!  You can see pictures from the first day of Kindergarten here.

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Happy 7th Birthday

My Dearest Cole – Happy Birthday!  It’s almost impossible to believe that it has been 7 years since you made a mama out of me.  You are an amazing kid and I am grateful every day that I get to mother you. At 7 you are interested in so many things.  Legos, learning, playing.  I […]

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