
Keystone Heights…

Right after Labor Day we drove down to Gold Head Branch State Park in Keystone Heights to meet up with my parents and Ali and Will.  There was hiking and fishing and swimming in the lake.  Everyone had so much fun.

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Busch Gardens (part 5)…

I saved the best Busch Gardens pictures for last. These were taken on the Congo River Rapids ride with my waterproof camera. Cole was just barely tall enough to go. As you can see, he was less than thrilled. He told me he liked the ride, he just didn’t like getting wet. Incidentally, he told […]

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Busch Gardens…

We spent Father’s Day weekend in Tampa with my family. I haven’t been to Busch Gardens in years and it was awesome. The kids had a blast. It was hot, but it wasn’t that crowded.

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Best. Gift. Ever.

Cole’s most very favorite gift this year was his Sheriff Woody that Mimi & Papa gave him. He asked Santa for it in his letter and luckily Santa knew that Mimi had already bought it. Since I knew it was going to be a big hit and my parents weren’t there to see him open […]

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