For her birthday Grand Daddy borrowed a yellow Volkswagen Bug for Brittany to ride around in. She was ectatic about it. It was awesome to see her so excited.
This idea came right from the No Time for Flashcards site. Cole loved painting and then cutting out his Bee. I am enjoying putting some of my older and scrap scrapbook supplies to good use.
I can’t believe Britt is 17 now. We celebrated Luau style with all her friends and family.
Today Cole did awesome at swimming lessons. There was no crying or whining when they took him back and he swam like a champ. Hopefully the rest of the week will go just as smoothly.
Cole had his first swimming lesson of the summer today. He screamed going in but then was fine once he settled down. We are very thankful that Susie was able to squeeze us in for the week while we were here. The pictures aren’t great because I had to crouch down behind a fence and […]
This has always been one of my favorite designs. It was one of our originals and I took it away for a while, but now it’s back. It’s available on shirts, sweats, bags and even a bumper sticker. You can visit our online store and see all of our Altered Ego products.