Food Fun | Kiley

Food Fun…

I’ve let Kiley start experimenting with a cup and with teething biscuits. She’s not really sure about either of them, but she’s always willing to give new things a try.

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Food Fun

Mother’s Day Cake…

Publix hosted an awesome promotion this year. You could go and decorate a heart shaped cake for Mother’s Day. Jonathan took Cole to the store so he decorate a cake for me. He did a great job and it was super tasty. Even Kiley liked it!

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Cole | Food Fun | Kiley


We started Kiley on cereal at 4 months, just like we had with Cole. She seems to like it, although I’m still convinced she doesn’t eat nearly as much as Cole did at this age. Cole was very interested in the fact that she was eating with a spoon and of course wanted to get […]

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