We spent the weekend visiting our friends the Kelley Family and as you can see Evie was crazy about Cole. Unfortunately, he didn’t always reciprocate the love. I have some other pictures to post from the weekend but first I must get some work done!
Category: Family
Cole’s new favorite toy is the webcam/camera built into my new laptop. Hours (or at least a 1/2 hour) of fun while I’m on the phone!
We FINALLY got around to assembling the Kangaroo Climber with slide that Cousin Will passed down to Cole. He’s not so sure how to get up on it by himself yet, but I’m sure he’ll be jumping off the top in no time!
Santa brought Cole a Sand & Water Table for Christmas this year. Since it’s still winter we decided to fill it up with beans. He loves pouring and dumping beans all over the deck.
On Christmas Eve Cole & Mommy decorated a Gingerbread House. The house was assembled the night before using a glue gun. And for anyone out there that thinks it’s horrible that I used a glue gun you’ve obviously never had to hold the walls of a gingerbread house together while you waited for the icing […]
Santa was very good to Cole this year. He brought him a Sand & Water Table, which will be filled with beans until the weather warms up. He also got a variety of little people toys, some dinosaurs, books, markers and crayons and some trains for his train table. Over all it was a great […]