
Don’t Laugh…

Last week we took the tray off of Cole’s highchair and let him push up right to the table to eat. This was going well until he figured out he could roll himself backwards and plop his feet on the table when he was finished. The truth is he probably would have stopped doing it […]

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Cole | Ikea

Dare Devil…

Look what we learned to do today. I knew the day would come when Cole would figure out how to climb up his stair-step IKEA shelves. I just didn’t realize it would happen so fast. He did manage to make it all the way to the top. I don’t have a picture of that because […]

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Cole | Misc.


So when we were at the library a few weeks ago Cole and I were looking through the kid DVDs to see if there was anything interesting and I saw “Elmocize“. I remembered that when Will was little he LOVED this video so we got it. Well, Cole is hooked. He dances around like a […]

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