Cole | Misc.

New Train Table…

So I’ve shown everyone the beautiful Train Table that Cole has to play with and doesn’t need to share with anyone. Any guesses as to why he feels the need to line up all his trains at the end of my desk? I secretly think he’s trying to give me a stroke by rolling those […]

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Cole | House Stuff

Silly Rabbit, Books are for Kids…

Since discovering how to climb up onto his stair step shelves, Cole has taken to sitting on the lower bench and demanding that I pull out his bucket of books. What’s funny about this situation is that this is EXACTLY what I intended this bench to be used for. I just thought he would be […]

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Cole | House Stuff

Old Office/New Playroom…

The 2nd part of our renovation project was to convert the old office that Jonathan & I shared into a playroom for Cole and keep the existing office/scrapbook room for me. It has turned out to be a fantastic use of the space because Cole can play and I can do a little work all […]

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