Snapped this one of Cole the other day. He was a trooper sitting in the big chair that I pulled over by the window. I have some others that are kinda funny and not quite as cute. I’ll share them tomorrow. Oh, and I love that little tongue peeking through his teeth.
Category: Family
We’ve started having Friday Movie Day around here. We pick out a movie from the Library when we’re there on Wednesday and then on Friday Cole and I pop popcorn in the air popper and watch our movie. I would have to say the popcorn is probably his favorite part.
Cole likes to help me get his breakfast out in the morning. As you can see, he’s a very good helper.
Lately Cole has been all about including his bear or “beeeeeer” as it sounds when he says it, in anything he does. The other day he set both his bears up to play Legos with him.
Cole’s favorite activity while I check email and update our site is to color or “draw” as he says while reaching for the crayons.
Kristi and I have decided that Kaya & Cole are going to get married and we will both live next door to them (somewhere in Florida, not where it snows). Kaya adored Cole while we were visiting. She even referred to him as her husband. What’s funny is that they are almost exactly the same […]