
Kiley’s Birth Day…

I’ll spare you the really bloody pictures and just post a few from when Kiley was delivered. After delivery she was taken to the nursery where she was given something to eat due to her low blood sugar. Evidently, this is common with big babies. Since she weighed 9lbs 4oz, I guess she qualified as […]

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Babies | Kiley

Welcome Baby Kiley…

She’s here! Kiley Jean Beckham born on November 3rd at 1:14pm. Weighing in at 9lbs and 4oz and measuring 21.5 inches long. We are all home now and doing great. Kiley already appears to be a more laid back baby than Cole was and Cole is so in love with his new sister he is […]

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Cole | Ikea

Ummmm… Yeah…

This is what I have to work with. Cole was hiding inside his IKEA shelving the other day. What’s really funny is that I made him stay in there so I could run and grab the camera.

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Build a Bear…

Last month I took Cole to Build-a-Bear so he could make an stuffed animal for the baby. He immediatly picked a monkey and named him Monkey Guy. This was his first Build-a-Bear experience and he seemed to enjoy it. Once we got home I let him take the monkey out and put it in a […]

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