Here are a few pictures from Kiley’s first bath. Cole’s job was to pour the water on her belly so she didn’t get cold. He loved it and had a great time helping.
Category: Family
More from the photoshoot with the tutu. By the way, I think Kiley should wear pink every day.
I had no idea I would enjoy having a little girl so very much. I made this tutu and took some pictures of Kiley in it the other day. I could honestly just eat her up.
Here are Cole & Kiley on Saturday ready to watch the big UF vs FSU game. Kiley’s outfit is a hand-me-down from Cole. I put a bow in her hair so that people wouldn’t think she was a boy.
The top picture is Kiley at the hospital just 2 days old and the bottom picture is Cole at the hospital when he was the same age.