On Christmas Eve everyone wanted a turn holding Baby Kiley.
Category: Family
Cole’s most very favorite gift this year was his Sheriff Woody that Mimi & Papa gave him. He asked Santa for it in his letter and luckily Santa knew that Mimi had already bought it. Since I knew it was going to be a big hit and my parents weren’t there to see him open […]
Jonathan took this video of Cole while I was away visiting my Dad one weekend. Oh, and I have no idea what he is wearing.
Cole got a gift certificate from Toys R Us a few weeks ago for being a good big brother. He picked out this Lego Tow Truck set while we were at the store. We had fun putting it together and he was so very proud when we completed it.
Isn’t it funny how with your first child you make sure that they take good quality naps in their crib and with the second you just kind of plop them wherever, whenever? This is how Kiley napped the other day while Cole and I were playing cars nearby in the living room.