
First Day of School

So the first day of school came and went and my baby headed off to Kindergarten. So far it has been a great year for both of them. We’re so grateful for such a wonderful school, right around the corner from our home.

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Happy Birthday Sweet Girl…

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl…

My Sweet Kiley Jean, Today you are 5.  I almost can’t even believe it.  5.  It seems like just yesterday you were born.  It seems like just yesterday you completed our family in a way I never imagined possible. You are one truly amazing kid.  I am constantly in awe of what an incredible little […]

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Family Pictures
Kiley | Photography

Family Pictures

While my friend Kristi was visiting we did a little family photo shoot out at the beach.  I’m holding off on sharing the good pics of all of us because I may end up using one as our Christmas card.  But here’s my absolute favorite from the shoot.  Kiley and I together, and a cautionary […]

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