
Happy Birthday Cole!

Dear Cole, Today you are 9, which if you ask me seems a little ridiculous. I mean, 9 is half way to 18 and that I cannot even deal with. You are one truly amazing kid and I’ve cherished every second I’ve had the honor of being your mom. You have taught me so much […]

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Ugh, I hate these pictures because he looks so old in them.  Some pictures of Cole from our recent photo session.  

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Dear Cole, What the fresh hell is this?  Eight?  Are you kidding me?  Eight is half way to sixteen and only ten years from eighteen.  I mean, seriously?  You’re killing me kid. But seriously, eight.  It’s kind of hard to believe.  It feels like just yesterday my water broke in the middle of the night […]

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Cole Surfing

Cole Surfing

Whereas Kiley is adventurous, Cole is far more cautious.  No surprise that he wanted NOTHING to do with learning to surf.  He had no desire to take a class, no desire to even try it.  That’s where the mom-overide comes in.  I told him that he had to take the class part on land (where […]

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