Family Pictures
Kiley | Photography

Family Pictures

While my friend Kristi was visiting we did a little family photo shoot out at the beach.  I’m holding off on sharing the good pics of all of us because I may end up using one as our Christmas card.  But here’s my absolute favorite from the shoot.  Kiley and I together, and a cautionary […]

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Cole’s Portraits
Cole | Photography

Cole’s Portraits

This summer each kid has had a week of camp.  Unfortunately for me, they’ve been different weeks.  The nice thing about this is that I get to spend a little one-on-one time with each of them.  One of my goals for the week was to take each kid out and get a few portrait style […]

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Slice of Perfect & Messy Reality

Slice of Perfect & Messy Reality

So first of all let me say that I love me some Baby Rabies.  I love her honesty and her wit.  So when she posted a photography challenge a few months ago (yeah, a few months ago and I’m just getting around to posting about it, don’t judge me) I knew I wanted to participate. […]

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Home Projects | Photography

Photo Mosaic Wall Decor

I wanted to share a little home project I’ve been working on.  This is a photo mosaic with pictures of the two kids that I put up in the hallway between their two rooms.  The wall decal came from Kohl’s and the 5×5 photo plaques are from Shutterfly.

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