Kayak Worldwide Adventures offered us a media rate for our tour. All opinions are our own.
Like many people, we ended our Alaska cruise in Seward, Alaska. After reading some reviews of Seward we decided to spend a few days exploring the area before venturing into the interior of Alaska.

Kayaking in Seward was high on my list of activities for us to try, so we booked a private family tour with Kayak Adventures Worldwide because they seemed like a good fit for kayaking with kids.

Kayak Adventures Worldwide ferried us over to a private cove where we got all our gear on and set out on our tour.

I can’t even begin to describe to you how amazing our day of kayaking was. We paddled around the coast exploring inlets and learning all about Alaska wildlife. Our tour guide was so knowledgable and so patient with the kids.

After a few hours we took a break and got out of our kayaks to explore Humpy Cove. Our guide led us to this stunning waterfall and even took a few family pictures for us.

In fact, our guide took tons of family pictures along the way, which was amazing because any parent who travels a lot knows that a picture of everyone on an adventure is truly a gift.

After our pit stop at Humpy Cove we were back in our kayaks, venturing further around the coast. We made a stop for a picnic lunch, lunch and snacks were included in our tour and they were delicious.

We kayaked back towards our launch point and then across open waters to Fox Island. This is where the ferry would pick us up but we had some time to explore the island while we waited.

Fox Island doesn’t have any foxes on it (it did at one time) but the entire coast is made up of these beautifully smooth rocks. Our kids could have spent all day just hunting for treasure on the island.

The ferry picked us back up and shuttled us back to Seward where we shed all our gear and Kayak Worldwide Adventures gave us each a $2 chip that we could choose to donate to a charity they support. Even the kids got to select a donation, which was really cool.
We absolutely loved our day of kayaking with Kayak Worldwide Adventures. It was actually my favorite activity from our entire Alaskan vacation.

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