Today you are 9, which if you ask me seems a little ridiculous. I mean, 9 is half way to 18 and that I cannot even deal with. You are one truly amazing kid and I’ve cherished every second I’ve had the honor of being your mom. You have taught me so much about what it means to be a parent and I am grateful for that.
You have a huge heart and are the best big brother Kiley could ever ask for. Thank you for always being so kind to her and always welcoming her to play with your Legos even though I can tell that you would probably rather her stay out. You are a kind and generous friend and everyone at school loves you (including your teachers). I honestly could not ask for a better son.
This year has been amazing for you. Watching you grow and thrive brings tears to my eyes. Your emotional and social development this year has been spectacular. You love school and learning and you love being with all your friends. This year, after 5 long years, saw the end of speech classes. Your hard work on articulation has paid off in big ways. You even had a speaking part in the 2nd grade program, which was amazing. I mean, 5 years ago I never would have guessed that we would have come so far.
Thank you for being an amazing little human and for loving our family as much as we love you. My world would never be complete if you weren’t in it.
PS – I love this picture because I love how much you love cactus.
Happy birthday, Cole. I love this picture too. -andy
Happy birthday, Cole. I love this picture too. -andy