For 2 years now Kiley has begged us to let her take a surfing lesson. Yes, you read that right, 2 years. Since she was 2 1/2 years old. My deal with her was always when she could swim across the pool by herself, taking breaths, that I would sign her up for surfing. Well, wouldn’t you know that happened first thing this summer. So after waiting 2 long years she finally got her wish. She did great on the board and got at least partially up every time. Now, of course, she’s begging us to buy her a surf board of her very own.
You may notice that she’s wearing a life jacket while surfing… that’s totally because I’m freaky-paranoid-my-kid-is-going-to-drown-mom. She really didn’t need it (and she repeatedly told me she didn’t need it). It just made me feel a little better.