
Make Something Monday…

June 30, 2008

This is a great little idea that turned out even better than I thought it would. After a recent family trip to Chicago, we came home with 3 new dinosaur books that had been bought while visiting Field Museum. I selected a picture for each book. My pictures happen to have dinosaur bones in the background to go along with the theme of the book but they really could have been anything from our trip. I then used Photoshop to write the location and date of where the books were bought. I ordered my prints and when they arrived I used a super strong adhesive to stick them into the inside and on the back of the books. They turned out to be such a nice souvenir from our trip.

For the Curious George’s Dinosaur Discovery book I printed the picture in 8×8, but for the other’s I just used 4×6 prints. The other books are How Do Dinosaurs Play with Their Friends and Hide-and-Seek Dinosaurs. Cole’s favorite is the Curious George. He totally gets a kick out of the fact that there is a dinosaur skeleton on each side of the page and he’s on one side and George is on the other.

And… if you made something tonight for Make Something Monday – go visit Kristi and tell her about it. I think she’s giving away a prize.

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