
Correction & Grab Bag Shirt Update…

February 4, 2008

I was corrected from my post yesterday, that Jen from the blog 5 guys and a gal actually has 5 boys now, not 4. All the more reason to send her a free tote bag.

A quick update on our grab bag shirts… we are completely out of size Mediums, Large and 3XL. All that is left is Small, XL and 2XL. And, I’ll let you know that our warehouse manager has informed me that there are only 2 or 3 in the XL size. This is one of those things where we may be getting more in, or we may not. All of these shirts were left over from shows or larger catalog orders from the past year. If you know anyone who was thinking of ordering a grab bag shirt, you might want to tell them to get moving before they are all gone!