If you had asked me 11 years ago what I thought our lives would look like today, I never in a million years could have told you what a wonderful, beautiful, crazy thing we would have. I’m thankful every single day that I get to spend my life surrounded by these monkeys.
I love these pictures of my strawberry princess sneaking a few {dozen} bites out in the field.
We spent a beautiful morning out on a farm picking strawberries. This was the first time we’d taken the kids to pick strawberries, although Cole had been blueberry picking a few years ago. It was fun to hunt for the berries and they were so juicy and delicious. Cole took great pride in finding some […]
We spent another morning in the park doing a little bit more hiking. This time we took it much easier on the kids and opted for a trail that wasn’t straight up and down the side of a mountain.
After leaving the Gold Mine we headed over to the Cabbage Patch Hospital. Kiley loved it and Cole had fun looking around as well. There were tons of babies for us to look at and we even got to see a Cabbage Patch baby being born.
In addition to panning for gold we also got to mine for gems. Basically they give you a big bucket of dirt and you get to dig through it using the wash boxes looking for gems and stones. This was by far Cole’s favorite part of our visit.